Table of Contents
Costume Verse Set 7
Miscellanea Costume Themes

the Lord wants to woo us away from the jaws of distress
we can all contribute something
the eye of the needle; greed
the grass only
looks greener on the other side
there are no ape-men fossils, only fraud and mistakes
your mind and GIGO (Garbage In, Garbage Out)
astronomy, astrology; heavenly order; mature starlight
make the most of every opportunity
don't be stubborn and plug your ears; choose the Lord
time and eternity
reckless words pierce like a sword
we are given the choice of life or death, so choose life!
lead your friends to Jesus and see them in heaven
missionaries; donations; recycling
fossils exist that may have been fire-breathing "dragons"
keep a tight rein on your tongue; use it only for good
the Bible is forever right and relevant
Hallelujah; praising God; our Redeemer lives
do no harm; do what is just and right
the Lord will make you the head, not the tail......IF......
give thanks, be grateful
shield of victory
God knits babies in their mothers' wombs
sing praises to God
sea dinosaurs may still exist
salvation is based on faith not works
God removes our sins as far as the east is from the west
atheists bet their eternal life on their beliefs
those with a merry heart have a continual feast
creation and evolution
doing for the least of your brothers is doing for Jesus
God loves us warts and all
those with "itching ears" avoid the truth
Bible readability; Bible prophecy; Bible codes
your word is a lamp to my feet
purification; transformation
patience; suffering; crying; no tears in heaven
the Holy Trinity: the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit
pride, haughtiness and humility
rebellion and disobedience bring suffering on self
flying dinosaur possibly seen in 1890
all have sinned; no one is righteous
better to be poor and blameless than rich and perverse
life can be stressful; be patient & trust God
your reputation (good or bad) can precede or follow you
God hurls all our iniquities into the sea
God leads and guides with His right hand
no tattoos or cuttings; avoid the tribulation mark
the importance of men and women getting married
we are strangers on earth; our citizenship is in heaven
nourish your bones--use the Bible as your manual
earth and the creation are young; methods to check age
tell only nice jokes, not mean ones
leap for joy, great is your reward in heaven
there is no "very end"; millennium; new heavens/earth
Miscellanea Costumes

Belly Dancer................................................
Cave Dwellers..............................................
Computer Kid .............................................
Copernicus, Nicolaus.................................
Couch Potato Kid.......................................
Einstein, Dr. Albert.....................................
Forever n' Ever Friends..............................
Francis Xavier, Saint..................................
George, Saint, and the Dragon..................
Gutenberg, Johann.....................................
Handel, George Frideric.............................
Joan of Arc, Saint.......................................
Lind, Jenny..................................................
Loch Ness Monster....................................
Luther, Martin.............................................
Magellan, Ferdinand..................................
Marx, Groucho.............................................
The Monkey's Nephew..............................
Mother Teresa.............................................
Mr. and Mrs. Ugly......................................
Mr. Itchy Ears..............................................
Newton, Sir Isaac........................................
Nightingale, Florence.................................
Pasteur, Louis..............................................
The Patient Patient.....................................
Patrick, Saint................................................
Rembrandt van Rijn....................................
Rich Man, Poor Man..................................
Sandwich Board Boy..................................
Shot Putter...................................................
Square Dancers...........................................
Tattooed Man.............................................
Valentine, Saint...........................................
X-Ray Man..................................................
Young Earth.................................................
Day 365 Joker..............................................
Day 366 Leap Frogs....................................
Day 367 The Very End?.............................
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Costume Versettes