Stories & Such Set
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Costume Versettes
D1. Beauty and the Beast-[draw beast looking sort of like a leopard, 1 nice shoe on and forward, other foot has no shoe and looks animalish]
Jer 13:23 Can the Ethiopian change his skin or the leopard its spots? Neither can you do good who are accustomed to doing evil.
[ Are you familiar with the story of The Beauty and the Beast? If so, you know that the Beast turns back into a wonderful prince, he and Beauty get married and they live happily ever after.
It does not typically work that way in real life! Too many people hang around with, date and marry a "beastly" (ungodly) person, thinking that they can change them. Wrong. People who are wicked inside may be able to pretend to be good for a while. In fact, when people are dating, they usually do "put their best foot forward" (try to make themselves look good). But sooner or later the person will show "their true colors" (the evil they are hiding), because a "leopard cannot change its spots." So, that charming prince or princess turns out to be a fake. They may cause you terrible pain and heartache. Does that beast have telltale black spots on its personality? Don’t, don’t, DON’T expect your good influence will make those spots disappear!
The Lord tells us not to be unequally yoked. In other words, don’t hang around with, date or marry a nonbeliever. It’s best to avoid "lukewarm" Christians, too (those who claim to be Christians, but aren’t obeying God’s word). When you grow up, make sure you choose another true, devoted believer like yourself. Make sure they are producing good fruits, not bad. In other words, choose someone who doesn’t have to change in order to be a good spouse. Do these things and you’ll have a much better chance at "happily ever after"!]
1 John 2:4-6
2 Cor 6:14-15
Luke 6:44-45

D2. Boogeyman [either alone or wound up in a golden cord as a prisoner of an angel, or cowering next to an angel who is larger than him and who is firmly pointing for him to go away]
Deu 31:8 "The LORD himself goes before you and will be with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged."
[ A lot of children fear the dark. They may feel there are monsters under their bed, in their closet or hiding somewhere else waiting to jump out and pounce on them. They might especially be afraid of the Boogeyman, that silly old make-believe enemy of children down through the ages. If you worry about him, you have a lot of company!
Do you have that fear? Would you like to get over it? Of course! Well, here’s what you can do. Always remember these two things: (1) God never sleeps and (2) He and your guardian angel watch over you day and night! So relax, little one, you are never alone!]
Is 40:28
Ps 121:3
Ps 91:11
Heb 1:14

D3. Cat of 9 Lives [bowl and bed with "Puffy 9" on them and 9 identical cat pictures on the wall, labeled Pluffy, Puffy 2, Pluffy 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8]
[ Some people joke that cats have nine lives. Of course, most people know this is not true. However, there are also actually some people who believe that humans have more than one life and that we can work out our faults in our next life. That belief is called "reincarnation" and it is not true either.
Satan wants us to believe in reincarnation.* Why? Because if we believe we can work out our sins in another life, we won’t feel as much need to find forgiveness for our sins and the salvation of Jesus here in this life. Satan forfeited his own gift of heaven and he wants to rob us of our gift of heaven, too!
We only live a mortal, earthly life once. In this life we have a chance to see two very different scenarios: (1) good things, happiness, fun and love (while learning that these and many more good things represent God and what He has in store for us in heaven); and (2) evil, sadness, pain and hatred (while learning that Satan causes these things and that they will be much worse in hell). Then we get to make a choice: choose Jesus and heaven or Satan and hell.
Clearly, we don’t want to take a chance of dying unexpectedly without choosing Jesus as our Savior. If we don’t choose Jesus, we go to hell for eternity. That is so very, very sad! Instead, if we believe in and accept Jesus as our Savior, we can go to heaven for eternity. That’s why it is so important to accept Jesus now! Make the choice that will bring you the most happiness forever--in heaven with your believing family and friends! And guess what? A lot of people believe we will even have our favorite Puffys, Spots and Rovers back in heaven with us, too!
[*Note: Hypnotism (even self-hypnotism) can leave a person open to demonic invasion. Some hypnotized people even supposedly "remember" another language they used to speak or details of another time or place unknown to them. They are actually just repeating information that a demonic spirit has put in their minds. Satan uses these episodes to make people think reincarnation is true. Hypnotized people dangerously give up their self-control. Protect yourself, avoid hypnotism--"let us not be like others, who are asleep, but let us be alert and self-controlled." (1Thes 5:6!)]]
2 Cor 6:2 (KJV) . . . behold, now is the accepted time; behold, now is the day of salvation.
Eccl 9:12
Deu 30:19

D4. Cinderella [show poor peasant girl morphing into fancy Cinderella costume]
1 Sam 2:8 He raises the poor from the dust and lifts the needy from the ash heap; he seats them with princes and has them inherit a throne of honor . . .
[ Cinderella is the lovely, sweet-tempered storybook character who becomes poor after her father dies and her wicked stepmother refuses to provide properly for her out of her father’s estate (1 Tim 5:8). Cinderella sleeps near the fireplace and the cinders (ashes), hence her name of Cinder-ella. Her fairy godmother magically prepares her for the royal ball with a beautiful dress, glass slippers and more. Cinderella loses one of her slippers, but the prince uses it to find her and she ends up marrying the prince!
Although God does not want us to have anything to do with magic spells, the Cinderella story helps remind us of the type of incredible change that God can make in a real person’s life. Yes, at times conditions on earth can get kind of tough. However, the Lord is all-powerful and He often does good things for obedient believers, even in the midst of hard times.
There are many modern Cinderella-type stories of people (both men and women) who had a difficult family life or who started out with a poor background. Through hard work and God’s help, they went on to become happy, successful people. God can help us overcome the problems and obstacles in our lives, too (1 John 5:5).
Finally, because believers are co-heirs with Christ (Rom 8:17), we will someday inherit the eternal kingdom God prepared for His children. In heaven, we, too, will be seated royally!]
Job 36:7
Ps 103:6

D5. Dorian Gray [good-looking boy in fancy late-1800’s clothes standing next to ugly portrait of him in same clothes]
Deu 29:19 . . . he invokes a blessing on himself and therefore thinks, "I will be safe, even though I persist in going my own way." This will bring disaster . . .
[ The Picture of Dorian Gray is a very disturbing novel by Oscar Wilde. It is about a wealthy, good-looking man who wishes his portrait would show his age instead of him. He gets his wish. An evil man encourages him to make up his own rules for life. The man even gives Dorian an evil book about sin that fascinates Dorian. Dorian quickly turns into a wicked person.
Although he does not age, every evil thing he does shows up on his portrait--which becomes uglier and uglier. He lives a totally immoral life. He goes about hurting other people in many heartless ways. He enjoys ruining them morally, physically, financially or in business. He breaks hearts and destroys reputations. People who have known him commit suicide because of what he did to them. He drinks, uses drugs, lies, blackmails, even murders. He has the opportunity to repent, but doesn’t take it.
Finally, he reaches a point where he sees the emptiness of his life and realizes none of his sinful ways satisfy him. He becomes disgusted with himself. He at last resolves to change. Deciding he must destroy the painting first, he thrusts a dagger into it and it enters his own heart instead. The portrait returns to its original form and, in death, Dorian is transformed into the horrible monster that his image in the painting had become.
The portrait was the picture of his true self. That is what sin does to us. It destroys the sinner and many of those he or she comes in contact with as well. Often people deeply involved in sin never change their ways. They reject the Lord and die in their sins.
Others repent, accept the Lord and are forgiven (Rom 6:23). Still, they often greatly regret their sinful lives (Ezek 20:43). They feel miserable about the pain they have caused not only themselves, but others as well (Eccl 12:1).
Try to avoid sin. Choose the good path. Avoid the pain. Don’t let yourself become someone who will someday ruefully mutter, "If only I hadn’t [done some awful thing]......If ONLY!"]
Ps 10:13
Rev 3:17-18

D6. Ebenezer Scrooge [sitting counting his money at a table; next to him is Marley in chains with linen tie-up around head and chin]
Mark 8:36 (KJV) "For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul?"
[ Charles Dickens (1812-1870), a Christian author and father of ten children, wrote several books that are now classics. Ebenezer Scrooge, a very mean, rich old man, is the main character in Dickens’ A Christmas Carol. Ebenezer’s total focus is on his money. He treats his one employee, Bob Cratchit, very poorly and pays him a mere pittance (only a tiny bit). On Christmas Eve, the ghost of Ebenezer’s dead partner, Marley, shows up. Marley is in chains from his sins. Marley warns Ebenezer that when he dies, he will drag around the chains of his sins, too, unless he changes his ways. Ebenezer is then visited by three more ghosts who try to convince him that by his meanness and selfishness he is not only hurting others, he is hurting himself, too. They help Ebenezer see that although his miserly (greedy, selfish) ways have made him rich, they have also kept him from having a family and enjoying life.
By the end of the story, Ebenezer comes to believe that he will lose his soul if he doesn’t change*. He also realizes that his money won’t do him any good when he dies and goes to hell (1 Tim 6:7). So he changes his ways. He becomes generous and friendly. He starts sharing his money, buys Bob’s family a wonderful Christmas feast and even gives Bob a raise. Ebenezer makes a very good trade--greed and emptiness for generosity and happiness (Ps 112:5)!
Similarly, we should balance work with a good focus on God, family, friends, being kind to others and building up treasures in heaven instead of on earth (Luke 12:33). Yes, Lord, turn our eyes away from worthless things! And as Bob’s son Tiny Tim would say, "God bless us, everyone!"]
[*Note: Of course, we know that the real way to save your soul is to accept Jesus as your Savior and Lord (Rom 10:9, Eph 2:8-9).]
Ps 49:16-17
Ps 119:36-37

D7. The Elves and the Shoemaker
1 John 3:18 Dear children, let us not love with words or tongue but with actions and in truth.
[ In the Brothers Grimm tale of The Elves and the Shoemaker, a poor, but good-hearted shoemaker was down to his last piece of leather. He cut it out and went to bed. In the morning, the delighted cobbler found a marvelous pair of shoes there, all beautifully put together! He sold those and bought twice as much leather. The next morning the even more delighted cobbler found two marvelous pairs of shoes, all beautifully put together!
This went on for a while until the cobbler and his wife were no longer poor. Then, finally, they were able to see who was helping them: some tiny elves in torn and tattered clothes. The cobbler fashioned the elves some fine new shoes and his wife stitched them up some fine new clothes. Now it was the elves’ turn to be delighted!
This story demonstrates that the little elves, the cobbler and the cobber’s wife were all very generous with their time and talent by helping each other out. They were all being good examples of showing love "with actions" instead of empty words.
You know what else? There is an added benefit to helping others that the story doesn’t always point out. The Bible says that, "it is more blessed to give than to receive." When we help others, we often experience a kind of deep joy and satisfaction that can surpass even the joy of receiving something we have really, really wanted for a long, long time.
Want to find a safe way to help others? Put your thinking cap on about what needs exist in your community or even around the world and then bounce your idea off your parents. Yes, even children can and have come up with great ideas for helping others! Many have acted on their ideas and made a difference. You can, too!]
Acts 20:35
1 John 3:17
James 2:15-17

D8. Emperor’s New Clothes [king in long underwear with crown & scepter; page boy whispering into his ear]
Prov 16:13 Kings take pleasure in honest lips; they value a man who speaks the truth.
[ In Hans Christian Andersen’s The Emperor’s New Clothes, some bad people convinced the emperor that they were making beautiful new clothes for him that only smart people could see. In truth, the clothes did not exist and, of course, nobody could see them. Pride kept the king and his servants from admitting that they were "not smart enough" to see the clothes. The king paraded around the town to show off his "new clothes," but because they didn’t exist, everybody saw his underwear! The king could definitely have used a wise servant to look after him!
Let’s pretend we rewrote the story with us in it. We could be a friend or loyal subject who cared enough to tell the king the truth. It might be a little uncomfortable for him to hear, but if he was wise he would take the warning (Prov 27:6, Eccl 4:13, Prov 12:15). In the same way, telling your friends the truth tactfully (in a kind way) can help keep them from being embarrassed unnecessarily (Eph 4:15). Sometimes it can even help keep them out of sin and danger (Prov 28:23). Don’t be afraid to speak up!]
Prov 27:9
Prov 14:35
Prov 27:18

D9. Feuding Folks [2 mountain boys shaking hands and smiling]
Mat 6:14 (KJV) For if ye forgive men their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you.
[ A feud is a long fight between families or groups. Some people like to write stories about old-time country families who don’t like each other, who fight over everything and who especially fight over trespassing (going onto someone else’s property without permission). If the writers like happy endings, they usually have the characters work out their differences and maybe even have a boy and a girl from the rival families fall in love and get married.
This type of story helps us remember what the Lord said about trespassing, because "trespassing" can also mean "sinning." When we sin against others, we should apologize. If others sin against us, we should forgive them as the Lord forgives us.
By the way, did you know that when we forgive others, rather than holding a grudge (staying mad at someone), it even makes us feel better? Making an effort to get along well with others is much more pleasant than constant fighting--and forgiving others for their trespasses makes for a lot more happy endings!]
Mat 6:15
Eph 4:32
Prov 19:11

D10. Frog Princess [princess at pond with golden ball in hand, toy frog sitting at edge of pond or boy in frog costume at pond]
Eccl 5:5 It is better not to vow than to make a vow and not fulfill it.
[ The Frog Prince is an old story of a princess who wasn’t good about keeping her promises. One day her little golden ball fell into a pond. Sadly, the princess couldn’t reach it. Lo and behold, a talking frog appeared! He offered to get the golden ball for the princess if she promised to do some things for him in return. She promised she would, but after the frog got the ball for her, she changed her mind.
The king was an honorable man and wanted his daughter to be honorable, too. So, much to her dislike, the king made his daughter keep her promises. Well, what do you know! It turned out the frog was really a handsome prince in disguise! And he asked for the princess’s hand in marriage. Just think. If the king hadn’t made the princess keep her promises, she would have missed out!
This make-believe story can remind us of how important the Lord views promises in real life. He doesn’t want us to make careless promises or promises we don’t plan on keeping. Promises are important--so think very carefully before you make them. Be true to your word! If you make a promise, keep it!*]
[*Note: Give a lot of thought to promises before you make them and try to only make wise promises. Especially, don’t ever promise another person that you will do something wrong. But what if you do slip up and do make such a promise and later change your mind? That is one of the few times when it is perfectly okay to break a promise--don’t ever let anybody pressure you into doing something wrong or hiding something that shouldn’t be hidden, even if you originally agreed you would. You have the right to change your mind and do the right thing! Be strong, speak up, protect yourself and stay safe!]
Ps 15:4-5
Eccl 5:2
Prov 20:25

D11. Genie
Mat 6:33 "But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well."
[ Some people want to use God as if He were a big, magic genie who will give them whatever they ask for. Although God is able to give us "immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine," He certainly doesn’t operate like a genie (Eph 3:20). Storybook genies tend to automatically give a person whatever they want, whenever they want it, even if it is bad for the person--sometimes especially if it’s bad for the person!
God doesn’t work like that. For instance, God often withholds things we want that He knows are not good for us, or things that we want for the wrong reason (James 4:3). There are also times when He withholds things from us because He has something much better waiting for us. God loves to give His children what we need (Mat 6:8, Mat 6:31-32), as well as good gifts He knows we would like (Lam 3:25). In fact, every good and perfect gift is from God (James 1:17).
Another thing to keep in mind is that many times, without our even having asked for them, God purposely puts good things in our paths. When we do actually ask God for things we want, if it is within His will, He loves to give those good things to us. However, even then, He doesn’t always give us what we want as soon as we want it. God’s timing is perfect and His choices are perfect. Whatever the case, He wants us only to have perfect gifts, not second-rate ones, and only at the right time!]
Ps 34:9-10
Ps 37:4

D12. The Gingham Dog and the Calico Cat
Gal 5:15 If you keep on biting and devouring each other, watch out or you will be destroyed by each other.
[ The poem "The Duel" by Eugene Field was first published in the late 1800’s. It is about two unhappy stuffed animals: a gingham dog and a calico cat. There was so much tension between them that they had not even been able to sleep. The onlookers in the house were worried, upset and scared, knowing something bad was coming. The dog barked. The cat meowed. Their "yelling" at each other advanced to fighting with "tooth and claw." Finally they tore each other apart completely! How sad!1
Similarly, people-fights hurt those involved and scare the onlookers, too. It is much better to peacefully work things out, forgiving and accepting each other (Mat 6:14-15). We should try to gently talk about what is bothering us, instead of holding everything in (like a balloon ready to pop) or yelling (like it actually popped!).
Some families make every effort to do things together and to get along well. Often they hold Bible studies together, too. These families are a lot smarter than the gingham dog and calico cat: they know not to let the sun go down on their anger (Eph 4:26-27)! Some families even set aside time each week to just "clear the air." They talk, see if things are going smoothly and see if anything can be made better.
Want to learn some good communication suggestions? See the extra lesson below for some talking tips that may help.]
Rom 15:7
Eph 4:31

1 Eugene Field, The Gingham Dog and the Calico Cat (Chicago: Follett Publishing Company, 1945, 1956)

An Extra Lesson: Talking Tips
(1) Remember the Golden Rule (Luke 6:31).
(2) Compliment others on their successes and strong points--they will feel better and will also want to do better (ex: "You did a good job today!").
(3) Use good manners (ex: "please," "thank you," "you’re welcome," "excuse me," "after you").
(4) Avoid name-calling or pointing out a person’s weaknesses or flaws (ex: "Dummy!" "you’re so ugly"--Prov 12:18).
(5) Avoid saying mean things and then claiming you were only joking (which still hurts--Prov 26:18-19).
(6) Avoid saying "no offense, but...." (which also still hurts).
(7) If you must point out someone’s shortcomings in order to help them avoid sinning, do so gently (2 Tim 2:24-26).
(8) Don’t use "you always" or "you never" comments (ex: "you’re always late," "you never help me"). It’s hurtful and makes people feel like they can’t do anything right.
(9) Try telling others how you feel using "I" language (ex: "I feel angry"), instead of blaming-type "you" language (ex: "you made me angry").
(10) Let others know you appreciate them (ex: "thank you, I appreciate your doing that for me").
(11) Be patient--don’t interrupt (Prov 18:13). Give the other person a chance to talk (James 1:19-20).
(12) Always speak gently, calmly and respectfully (Prov 15:1, Eccl 10:4).
(13) Be willing to apologize and admit you’re not perfect (ex: "I made a mistake," "I was wrong," "I’m sorry," "please forgive me"--Eph 4:2).
(14) Remember, if you have nothing nice or necessary to say, say nothing at all!

D13. Goldilocks [Goldilocks standing next to a shining, upright golden ruler]
Luke 6:31 "Do to others as you would have them do to you."
[ Jesus said to treat others how we would like them to treat us. This is what people today call "The Golden Rule." This is just one of the many ways God gave us to help us enjoy life and get along well with others. Goldilocks did not follow that rule. She entered the house of the three bears without invitation, ate the wee bear’s food, broke his wee chair and slept in his wee bed. She would not have liked someone to do that to her! Too bad she didn’t know the Golden Rule!]
Rom 13:9-10
Prov 24:15

D14. Goody Two-Shoes [mobcap and long dress, pulling up skirt slightly to show both shoes]
1 Tim 6:11 . . . pursue righteousness, godliness, faith, love, endurance and gentleness.
[ The Story of Little Goody Two-Shoes was first published in 1765. A wonderful story, popular for many years, the unknown author tells of a little girl named Margery Meanwell. She was a sweet, gentle orphan who had no money and only one shoe. When a preacher’s visitor bought her a pair of shoes, she went about happily showing others that she now had "two shoes." As "Goody" was a common form of address for ladies in the olden days, "Goody Two-Shoes" became her nickname.
After the preacher taught her how to read, she started teaching the other poor children how to read, too. Finally, she became the new schoolteacher. A very righteous, godly woman, she even prayed with her students. Sir Charles, a fine widower with a young daughter, married her. Goody became known as Lady Two-Shoes and was a very great blessing to others. She dedicated herself to charity, cared for the sick, mothered the poor, helped those in distress and even saved several unwanted animals. The townspeople loved her.1
Unfortunately, people today have made the name "Goody Two-Shoes" into an insult (1 Pet 4:4-5). One of Satan’s most useful tricks is to call good evil (Is 5:20). When he makes goodness sound bad, it makes people not want to be good--and that’s just what Satan wants!
One of the reasons Satan wants to trick us into being sinful is because sin brings pain and he wants us to suffer through as much pain as possible (John 10:10). Don’t listen to him or to anybody who thinks like him (Ps 119:115)! It’s good to be good! It’s also much easier to be good when your friends are good as well, like Goody’s townspeople. You see, good people appreciate your goodness. So if the people you know don’t appreciate your goodness, put on your "two shoes" and walk on over to the true "children of light"!]
Eph 5:8-10
1 Tim 4:8
Ps 23:6

1The Story of Little Goody Two-Shoes (New York: Grosset & Dunlap, 1944)

D15. Green-Eyed Monster [monster sitting; try to make look sort of wilted like almost lacking a skeleton]
[ A green-eyed monster is a term for an envious person. Envy is an unhappy feeling of wishing we had something somebody else has. God tells us not to covet (desire and be envious of) what others have. If we are always thinking about what other people have, it keeps us from being happy and content with what we have. Then that unhappy feeling of envy will feel like it has sunk down to our very bones, worsening every day.
Instead, we should try to focus on our many blessings. In other words, pay attention to how God blesses and rewards you. When we are thankful for our blessings, it increases our peace and joy.
Another thing to keep in mind is that some people have gained power or belongings through wicked means and we especially don’t want to be envious of them (Prov 24:19-20). What those people do not realize and what we need to keep in mind is that nothing is worth doing evil for (Mark 8:36). God sees everything we do. If we do bad things, we are guilty of sin, but if we do good things, God will reward us.
Want to climb out of that green-eyed monster suit and combat your envy? Count your blessings!]
Ex 20:17

D16. Hansel and Gretel
Rom 12:10 Be devoted to one another in brotherly love. Honor one another above yourselves.
[ In Hansel and Gretel as told by the Brothers Grimm, the children are tempted into an old lady’s house by the sweets on the outside. The old lady turns out to be a witch who wants to eat the children. She makes Gretel a slave while she keeps Hansel caged up, trying to make him fat. Gretel could run away and save herself, but she doesn’t. She stays on to save her brother from the witch and then they both escape. She was demonstrating love for her brother.
If you are a young person who sometimes has trouble getting along with your brothers or sisters, perhaps you will be encouraged to know that it is quite common for siblings who fight when they are younger to grow up and become very good friends later on. Just the same, start trying to be good friends now! If tempers get a little short, try to avoid arguing. Pray and be patient. Love each other. Look out for each other. Help each other in good times and bad. Let brotherly love continue!]
1 John 4:20
Heb 13:1 (KJV) Let brotherly love continue.
1 Pet 1:22

D17. The Hare and the Tortoise
Heb 12:1 . . . let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles, and let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us.
[ In Aesop’s The Hare and the Tortoise, the hare challenged anyone interested to beat him at a race. The tortoise accepted the challenge and the race started. When the hare saw how far ahead of the tortoise he was, he decided to stop and take a nap. Uh-oh! The hare took his eyes off the goal! He got overconfident about his ability to handle things, left the right path and gave in to temptation.
The tortoise, on the other hand, did not veer to the right or the left. He let nothing tempt him away from his goal. He just kept slowly plodding down the path with perseverance (he never gave up). By doing things the right way and hanging in there, he got there safe and sound. And…….he won!
What can we learn from this? Sinning is like veering off the right path. Getting tangled up in sin not only wastes time, it can be very disappointing, very painful and can keep you from reaching the goals you want to reach (kind of like the hare found out).
Want to run in such a way as to get the prize? Set your own pace, persevere and stay on the right path--God’s path!]
1 Cor 9:24
Ps 119:101
Prov 4:27
Phlp 3:14

D18. Hickory Dickory Dock Clock [boy in grandfather clock costume, mouse near top; calendar on wall, too]
Eccl 3:1 There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under heaven.
[ "Hickory dickory dock. The mouse ran up the clock . . . " Remember that nursery rhyme? Clocks can remind us of how important proper timing is.
Sometimes we want to do something right away, but for some reason we can’t or shouldn’t do it. Sometimes we don’t want to do what somebody is pressuring us to do. Maybe that is because we aren’t interested, or we aren’t ready, or because it’s something we know we shouldn’t do. Sometimes there is something we want to do which is okay to do, but is only okay under certain conditions. Those conditions might be when: we are older, we have the proper training, we have permission, we have a license, we get well, we get married, we have enough money, etc. Sometimes there are things we want to do, all the conditions are right and we should use that opportunity to accomplish something good. Whatever the situation, the Bible tells us there is a proper time and place for things that are good to do.
Many people do things before the proper time to do them. Unfortunately, that can get them into trouble, hurt them or endanger others. It can cause sickness, embarrassment, shame, tears, painful memories and worse. In short, bad timing can bring a great deal of heartache. Don’t learn the hard way that it simply wasn’t worth it! Too many people realize too late that they very much regret whatever it was they did (Is 48:17-18, Jer 31:19, Rom 6:21). They find themselves wishing they could "turn back the clock" and undo it.
Don’t ever let anybody talk you into doing something before the proper time to do it--you will regret it immensely! Instead, plan ahead and think things through carefully (Hag 1:7). Make wise choices that will benefit your future. Live your life creating memories of happy times, not sad ones!]
Eccl 8:5-6
Ps 27:14

An Extra Lesson: How to Make Tough Choices: Think, Think, Think!
Are you facing a tough choice? It is important to really think through big decisions. Many people find it useful to make a two-column list to help them make big decisions. You can label one column "Good Points" and write in it all the good things you hope will happen as a result of a decision. Label the other column "Bad Points" and write in it all the bad things you think could happen as a result of the decision. Making such a list often helps a person focus more clearly on what is truly most important to them. Thinking about the below items may help you get ready to make your list.

1. First, check to see if the Bible has any advice on the subject (if it’s a major decision, it probably does).
2. Have you prayed about it?
3. What would Jesus do in this situation?
4. Is this choice something you would do if Jesus was sitting next to you? (Remember, the Lord sees everything we do.)
5. Will the choice accomplish something good?
6. Look in the mirror. Will you like the person you see in the mirror after you make your choice? Is this a choice you expect to still be happy with 5 or 10 years from now? Or might it bring you sorrow, shame and regret?
7. Will the choice you make be one you will be comfortable telling your children or grandchildren that you made when they are facing the same choice? Would you want them to make the same choice? Would they be proud of your choice?
8. Would you, your family and your friends be proud of your choice if there was an article in the newspaper about it?
9. Would the choice bring you lasting joy, or would it put you in danger of heartbreak, loss and disappointment?
10. Would the choice be likely to:
(a) make you a better or a worse person?
(b) help or hurt you or someone else?
(c) help or hurt your own or someone else’s health and well-being?
11. If you have decided it is a good thing to do, have you determined if this is the right time to do it, or would it be better to wait?
12. Would the choice bring you closer to or further away from accomplishing the goals you have for your future happiness and success?

D19. Humpty Dumpty
[ Humpty Dumpty is the egg-like nursery rhyme character who fell off a wall and "all the king’s horses and all the king’s men couldn’t put Humpty" back together again.
If you follow God’s rules, it helps keep you from sinning--or what Humpty might call "falling off the walls" of life. Sin can make you feel very sad and "broken." It can also make you feel like you think nobody could ever patch you back together again. But just remember, when a hurting sinner is ready to turn their life back around and do things right.......the Lord God is our real king and nothing is impossible for Him to make better!]

Humpty Dumpty
Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall,
Humpty Dumpty had a great fall.
All the king’s horses,
And all the king’s men,
Couldn’t put Humpty together again.

Luke 1:37
Prov 28:18

D20. Invisible Boy [hat, sunglasses, fully bandaged face and head, turtleneck, long coat, long pants, gloves, shoes]
2 Cor 4:18 So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen. For what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal.
[ Sometimes science fiction writers tell stories about a scientist inventing a fantastic invisibility formula or process. In order to interact with others, the invisible person would typically have to figure out a way to cover up every part of his body so no one would know he was invisible. His body would still be there, people just couldn’t see it.
There is something invisible inside of real people, too. It is called a "soul." The soul is the part of us that is our personality. We cannot see our souls, but by faith we know we have them. Our bodies are kind of like clothes for our souls. If we wore the same clothes all the time, they would eventually wear out. Clothes are only meant to be temporary coverings.
Like clothes, our earthly bodies are temporary, too. They eventually wear out. When we die, it is kind of like only our "clothes" that die. Our soul never dies, but lives on (John 11:25). If we believe in and accept Jesus, our soul will immediately go to heaven. We will be with all our other believing family and friends who have gone on before us (Ps 116:8-9). The Lord will give us each a whole new salvation body like His that will never ever wear out and never die (Phlp 3:20-21, 2 Cor 5:1). Our immortal bodies will be real, touchable, strong, perfect, full of energy and…….visible! Ta da!]
2 Cor 5:7
Heb 11:1
Is 61:10

D21. Late Rabbit
2 Cor 6:2 (KJV) . . . behold, now is the accepted time; behold, now is the day of salvation.
[ Remember the rabbit in Lewis Carroll’s Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland who is so worried about being late? Some real people are almost too late about making up their mind to accept Christ, because some people wait until they are dying to do so!
Jesus told a parable about some workers who were hired at the eleventh hour and still got paid a full day’s wages. It would appear that Jesus was telling us through that story that even last-minute believers will be welcomed into heaven.
So, can we wait and still be accepted? Yes. Should we wait? No! Delaying the decision to accept Jesus not only robs people of many earthly blessings, but many heavenly rewards as well. However, and much more importantly, waiting can also be very dangerous. You see, choosing Jesus as your Savior is the only way to get to heaven and the only way to avoid hell. Unfortunately, many undecided people die suddenly without a chance to make even a last-minute soul-saving decision for Jesus (Heb 2:2-3). How very sad!
Don’t take a chance at being too late--Jesus said the time has come to repent and believe the good news (Mark 1:15). Ask Jesus into your heart today. That way you can plan on having a more blessed life in this world and heaven with extra rewards for the next.]
Mat 20:1
Mat 20:14-15

D22. Little Bo Peep
Mat 5:4 "Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted."
[ In the nursery rhyme about Little Bo Peep, her sheep have strayed off and she can’t find them, so she is very sad. In real life, when people who love Jesus are sad, the Lord can find a way to help us feel better. He may bring a comforting Bible verse to mind that lets us know that He loves us and is with us. He may send a relative or friend over to comfort us, to help us fix a problem or to help us through something painful. He may reach out to us in small things like a well-timed Christian song that plays just when we need it or even a little bird to sit outside our window and sing to us. He can help us solve our problems, such as by answering our prayers when they are within His will and by giving us what we need. Oftentimes help is only a prayer away.]
Ps 34:17-18
Ps 30:5
Job 8:21

D23. Little Miss Muffet [in mobcap, on tuffet firmly and fearlessly pointing "go away" to a large spider on the ground]
2 Tim 1:7 (KJV) For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.
[ Little Miss Muffet sits down to eat in this well-known nursery rhyme and is frightened away by a spider. Our Miss Muffet girl shown here is demonstrating relying on God for strength and remembering that He is always with us. She firmly and courageously sends the spider away instead of being afraid.
For those times when you get scared or uncomfortable and don’t know what to do, pray to Jesus for help. Even if all you can think of to say is, "Help me, Jesus," go ahead and say that. Prayer doesn’t need to be fancy. Jesus will understand it and He will know what you need. He may do something like send an adult to help you, He may show you a way to escape from whatever the problem is or He may fix the problem. However, always remember that the Lord does not promise to help us if we are purposely doing something wrong. So do what is right, and lean on the Lord for strength!]
Is 41:10
Eph 6:10

D24. The Man, the Boy and the Donkey [man and boy carrying donkey on a pole]
1 Th 2:4 . . . We are not trying to please men but God, who tests our hearts.
[ The Man, the Boy and the Donkey is one of many clever Aesop tales. A man heads to the market with his son to sell their donkey. An assortment of people criticize them or laugh at them along the way, as so:

(1) First, both are criticized for foolishly walking when they could ride the donkey. Father puts the boy on the donkey.
(2) Boy criticized for being lazy and making his father walk. Boy gets off, father gets on.
(3) Father criticized for being lazy and making his son walk. Boy gets on with father.
(4) Both criticized for overloading the donkey. (Here, some versions have an onlooker also suggest that the two could more easily carry the donkey.) Both get off, find a pole, tie the donkey to it and start to carry the donkey.
(5) While crossing a bridge, people laugh at this silly sight, the distressed donkey kicks and the boy drops his end, at which point the donkey falls off the bridge into the water and drowns.

With this story, Aesop shows how foolish it is to try to please everyone. This lesson can apply to many different situations. It is especially useful to keep in mind when you are dealing with people who don’t love the Lord. They will expect you to do things that please them, but not God (James 4:4, Rom 8:8). Don’t be swayed by criticism and instructions from ungodly people. Instead, the best source of guidance is in the Bible.
Now, who’s the most important one to please? You guessed it--God! Why should we please Him? Among other things, He will give us wisdom, knowledge, a more abundant life (Eccl 2:26) and heaven for true believers. How do we please God? There are so many ways we can do that! Some of them are: accept Jesus, help others to accept Jesus, love the Lord with all your heart and soul, obey God, serve Him, obey your parents, have faith in God, praise Him and be thankful for His many blessings (John 6:28-29, Deu 10:12-13, Col 3:20, Heb 11:6, Ps 69:30-31). Remember, please God, not man!]
Gal 1:10

D25. The Milkmaid and Her Pail
Eccl 1:15 . . . what is lacking cannot be counted.
[ In Aesop’s tale The Milkmaid and Her Pail, the milkmaid was carrying a pail of milk to town on her head. She was thinking about selling the milk, using the money to buy chickens, selling the eggs they would lay and using the money to buy a fancy new outfit. As she pictured herself in the new outfit, she started feeling prideful and tossed her head. Down came the pail, spilling her milk and destroying her dreams. Her mother then told her she shouldn’t have "counted her chickens" before they were hatched.
What does that mean? It means that it is not wise to count on buying things if you don’t yet have the money to buy them. By the way, this lesson also applies well to using credit cards. Don’t ever get in the habit of using credit cards. Not only do you waste a great deal of money paying the interest on the debt owed, it is way too easy to run up large debts and get into financial trouble. Try to keep credit cards for emergencies only. Other than for a house and a vehicle, always try to save up your money until you can afford to pay in full for whatever it is you want.]
1 Tim 6:17
Prov 22:7

D26. Money Tree [boy dressed like tree with money "fruit"; draw small evil-smell waves coming up from roots ]
[ There is a popular saying that "money doesn’t grow on trees." In other words, you can’t just go outside and pluck money "fruit" off of a tree--you usually have to work for it. The image of money on a tree is useful to remind us of something else often connected with money: greed.
It is honorable to earn your keep (2 Thes 3:12) and provide for your family (1 Tim 5:8). However, one can get carried away and work too hard. Some people get overly focused on making money, spending money, collecting way more belongings than they need or "keeping up with the Joneses" (Luke 12:15, Eccl 3:4). When that happens, they don’t let themselves have time for God, their family, rest, recreation and so on. Some people even become so focused on getting money that they will do anything they can to get it, even if it is cruel, dishonest, illegal or immoral (Prov 15:27). Not good!
Have a proper attitude toward money (1 Tim 6:11). Work hard and spend your money wisely, but don’t fall in love with it. To do so can lead you into all kinds of greed and evil. Don’t divide your loyalties and "serve two masters." Keep your priorities in balance and make the Lord your first priority!]
Luke 8:14
Mat 6:24
Prov 11:28

D27. Mother Nature
[ There are people that refuse to believe the Lord had anything to do with creating the earth. Quite a few of these same people think the earth and every living thing on it sort of developed by chance. Furthermore, many even like to jokingly think of nature as being controlled by a fake person they call "Mother Nature." Sadly, some people actually even worship the earth and call it "Mother Earth" as if it was a female god!
In truth, God, our heavenly Father, created the entire universe, including the earth and nature. The Bible says that there is clearly evidence for God in creation. You see, there is so much incredible detail, design and order in creation, that there is no possible way that the universe and everything in it could have come about by chance! In fact, there are today thousands of creation scientists with post-graduate degrees. Many of them once believed in evolution (complex life developing from simple forms over time without benefit of a Creator), but upon further study realized that God's work is the only way life and this universe could have been created!* Moreover, the number of believers in God's creation is increasing quickly among those with scientific and technical training.1 For example, Mensa, a group of intellectuals from around the world who score in the top 2% on I.Q. tests, has a growing group of those interested in creation science, too.2
God made the earth to be lived on (Is 45:18). He created mankind to live on it (Ps 115:16) and subdue it (Gen 1:28). Conserving resources is good. Recycling and reducing pollution are good. Planting trees, vines and gardens are good. Taking care of people, plants and animals is good. Worshipping the earth is bad. Don’t ever worship the earth. That is idolatry (the sin of the worship of false gods) and God hates idolatry (Ex 20:3).
Let us give thanks to God for this wonderful earth He created for us--and let us worship the Creator, not the creation!]
Rom 1:21
Rom 1:25

1 Henry M. Morris and Gary E. Parker, What is Creation Science? (El Cajon, CA: Master Books, 1982) 301-302. [*Note: Both these authors, Dr. Morris and Dr. Parker, are perfect examples of former evolutionists. Upon further study they came to believe in God's creation and are now creation scientists.]
2 "High I.Q. Creationists," Creation Ex Nihilo, Vol. 15 No. 1, p. 22

D28. No-Evil Monkeys [3 monkeys sitting with poses covering, in order left to right: ears, mouth, eyes]
1 Thes 5:22 Avoid every kind of evil.
[ Have you heard the old saying, "monkey see, monkey do"? If so, then you probably know that it means we tend to act like whatever we see--regardless whether it is good or bad! Therefore, it is best not to ever even look at evil things.
There are other ways that evil can influence us, too. There is a famous art piece in the Orient that shows this in a very memorable way. It shows a set of three monkeys that are posed to represent, "Hear no evil, speak no evil, see no evil." From time to time, you may even see these monkeys represented in cartoons. Thinking of those monkeys helps us remember to be like them and to protect ourselves from every type of evil.
It may seem kind of strange, but somehow Satan has managed to make evil addictive (habit-forming). Many people know that they are hurting themselves through whatever evil thing they are involved with. However, because evil is addictive, once they get involved in it, it is often hard to stop being involved with it.
The best thing to do is to be like those wise monkeys. Don’t ever even try doing something that is bad for you. Don’t listen to bad things, say bad things or look at bad things. In fact, don’t even think about bad things--doing so can lead to sin (James 1:15). Instead, only think about good things (Phlp 4:8, 2 Cor 10:5, Col 3:2). Don’t give Satan a chance to get you hooked on anything bad (Eph 4:27). Protect yourself and others around you!
So, "monkey see, monkey do"? In this case, yes! Copy the no-evil monkeys!]
Is 33:15-16
Ps 101:3-4

D29. Paul Bunyan [in lumberjack costume with large axe; include Babe]
Mat 7:5 "You hypocrite, first take the plank out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brother’s eye."
[ There is a tall tale in American folklore about a huge lumberjack named Paul Bunyan and his giant blue ox named Babe. Together they could cut down and haul away a vast amount of trees lickety-split!
We can use Paul Bunyan’s connection with lumber to remind us of what Jesus said about not judging others. Often other people’s small sins look worse to us than our own big sins. When that happens, we have probably been kidding ourselves. In other words, we have probably been rationalizing big time…..Paul-Bunyan-sized big time!
Rationalizing (making excuses for and not facing our own sins) can make us feel so self-righteous or superior that we feel like we can pass judgment on others. Jesus let us know that people like that are hypocrites (those who pretend to be good, but in reality are sinful). The Lord made one of His many memorable comparisons here. He said other peoples’ small sins were like a speck in their eyes, but that one’s own sins were like a whole board in one’s eye!
Tempted to pass judgment on someone else’s sins? Make sure you clean up your own woodpile first!]
Rom 2:1
John 8:7
Mat 9:12-13

D30. Peter Pumpkin Eater [boy standing next to pumpkin with "wife" inside looking out window]
Ps 128:1-3 . . . Blessed are all who fear the LORD, who walk in his ways . . . blessings and prosperity will be yours. Your wife will be like a fruitful vine within your house . . .
[ Remember the nursery rhyme about Peter Pumpkin Eater? He "had a wife and couldn’t keep her. He put her in a pumpkin shell and there he kept her very well."
When a man fears the Lord, God likes to bless him with good things like, for instance, a family and a good job! Good husbands and fathers who fear (honor) the Lord, take good care of their wives and children. Even if things get to looking kind of hopeless, something will turn up. Life isn’t always easy. Sometimes you may have to make do with something a little less fancy than what you would like. Thank goodness you don’t have to live in a huge pumpkin shell!
In real life, the Lord will help the God-fearing man provide for his family. When you grow up, don’t ever give up on God and don’t ever give up on taking care of your family!]
1 Tim 5:8
Deu 8:18

D31. Pied Piper [colorful-costumed piper playing his pipe, skipping along out of city (in background) leading large pack of rats]
1 Tim 5:18 . . . "The worker deserves his wages."
[ In the legend of The Pied Piper, a town is plagued by rats. The pied piper shows up and offers to get rid of the rats for a fee. The town agrees to pay his full fee. However, after the piper fulfills his end of the bargain, the town representatives break their promise--they refuse to pay the piper the amount they agreed on. The piper teaches them a lesson by piping a tune that leads away all the town’s children except a crippled boy who couldn’t keep up. The piper leads the children into a mountain that closes on them forever. The crippled boy goes back to the town and tells the townspeople what happened.
This is a sad story, but one that helps us remember two good lessons. One is that if we make a promise, we should keep it. The other is, when someone completes a job, whoever agreed to pay the wages must pay what was earned--and in a timely manner. Anything less would be dishonorable.]
Rom 4:4
Mal 3:5
Eccl 5:5

D32. The Pilgrim’s Progress [Pilgrim at cross with burden on ground]
Ps 84:5 Blessed are those whose strength is in you, who have set their hearts on pilgrimage.
[ Englishman John Bunyan (1628-1688) was a tinsmith who became a devout Christian minister and a famous, bestselling writer. Bunyan spent many years in jail for refusing to stop preaching the Bible the way he saw fit instead of the way the Church of England wanted preaching to be done. However, Bunyan used that prison time to accomplish good!
Although he wrote several things in jail, his most well-known was a book called The Pilgrim’s Progress. The story is a symbolic representation of Bunyan’s own process of becoming a Christian. It tells of a man named Christian and his pilgrimage to the "Celestial City" (heaven). Christian’s journey from the City of Destruction to this holy place shows people what the Christian life is like, how our companions can influence us for good or bad (Prov 13:20, 1 Cor 15:33), how the Lord gives us rules--for our own good--to protect us (Deu 10:12-13) and the importance of choosing the true path to heaven (John 14:6).
The story also shows some of the many different ways the devil tries to get us to turn away from God through difficulties, temptations, pushy people, lies and more. Christian learns that although the devil’s way may seem easier or more pleasant at times, it actually ends up bringing us a lot more trouble. Another key part of the story is the burden of sin that Christian carries (Ps 38:4). The burden falls off of him at the foot of the cross (1 John 3:5) and he continues on with his journey.
This book quickly became so popular that there were already 100,000 copies of it in print by 1692. One of the first books printed in America, it has been translated into many different languages and it, next to the Bible, is one of the most well-read books in the world.
Like Christian, if we seek the Lord with all our heart, we will find Him (Jer 29:13). If we accept Jesus, He (through His sacrifice on the cross) removes the "burden" of our sins. Jesus loves us very much. He gives us strength and guidance for our pilgrimage on the way home to Him and the real Celestial City. Walk on, pilgrim!1, 2]
Ps 27:4
Micah 6:8

1Mark Galli and Ted Olsen, 131 Christians Everyone Should Know (Nashville: Broadman and Holman Publishers, 2000) 115-117.
2John Bunyan, The Pilgrim’s Progress, with Introduction by Alexander M. Witherspoon (New York: Washington Square Press, Inc., 1957) v.ff.

D33. Pinocchio [show in his long-nose mode]
Ps 34:13 keep your tongue from evil and your lips from speaking lies.
[ The Adventures of Pinocchio by Carlo Collodi is the story of the wooden puppet whose nose grew bigger and bigger whenever he lied. When he finally learned to stop lying and to be good, a fairy turned him into a real boy.
In real life we know that only God can create life out of something lifeless (like when He made Adam out of dust in Gen 2:7). However, the Pinocchio story can still teach us a good lesson--lying is bad! Giving false testimony (lying) is against the ninth commandment (Ex 20:16). God tells us repeatedly not to lie. God hates. He hates it so much that He even says that [unforgiven] liars won’t go to heaven (Ps 101:7, Rev 21:8).
Let’s talk about lies. Lying can get the liar into serious trouble (Prov 17:20). Lying also very often leads to bigger and bigger lies to cover up the first lie. Telling misleading "half-truths" (deception) is just as bad as a lie. What some people like to excuse as "white lies" are still lies. Crossing your fingers behind your back does not make lying okay, either. And did you know that lying--even just once, about anything at all--can ruin your reputation (what people think of you)? Lying can also ruin other people’s reputations, as well as cause them a great deal of pain and/or legal trouble. There is simply nothing good about lying!
So, do you want people to think well of you and to trust you? Yes? Then whom should you pick for your role model? Satan, "the father of lies" (John 8:44)? Or Jesus, "the way and the truth and the life" (John 14:6)? It’s a no-brainer, right? Make Jesus--"the truth"--your role model. Always, always be honest!]
Lev 19:11-12
1 Pet 3:10
Prov 12:22
Prov 6:16-19

D34. Pollyanna
1 Thes 5:16 Be joyful always.
[ Eleanor Porter wrote Pollyanna, a wonderful story about a girl who played a "glad game" that her minister father had taught her. It was a game of always trying to find something to be glad about, no matter what the circumstances.1 In the story, Pollyanna influenced many others for good by teaching them to be happier, too.
There are over 600 references in the Bible that have to do with joy, rejoicing, being glad, being happy or a combination thereof. Here are just a few examples.:

1. Psalm 68:3 says, "But may the righteous be glad and rejoice before God; may they be happy and joyful."
2. Paul told us in Romans 12:12 to "Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer."
3. Jesus told us in John 15:10-11 "If you obey my commands, you will remain in my love . . . I have told you this so that my joy may be in you and that your joy may be complete."
4. He also told us in Luke 10:20 to " . . . rejoice that your names are written in heaven."

As the first of the resurrected, Jesus even showed us that although we are sad when our believing friends and loved ones die, that sadness will be replaced by joy. Why? Because, as believers, we will see them again in heaven (1 Thes 4:13-14)! The Lord wants us to be happy now and eternally--so count your blessings, be very "glad" and smile!]
Ps 118:24
Phlp 4:4

1 Eleanor H. Porter, Pollyanna (Uhrichsville, OH: Barbour and Co., Inc., 1993) 22-23.

D35. Punch and Judy [in puppet theater, hitting each other with sticks]
1 Thes 5:15 Make sure that nobody pays back wrong for wrong, but always try to be kind to each other and to everyone else.
[ Punch and Judy are well-known puppets that get in fights easily and hit each other a lot. That’s not a very good example is it? God hates violence (Ps 11:5). He wants us to be kind to each other and live in peace. However, even if somebody does something mean to us on purpose, we are not supposed to "take revenge" (be mean back to them--Prov 24:29, 1 Pet 3:9). We don’t want to sink to their level (Prov 26:4). We should try to forgive them.
However, that doesn’t mean we should stay around people who hurt us on purpose. The Lord tells us in 1 Thessalonians 5:22 to, "Avoid every kind of evil." If someone hurts you on purpose, learn from that. Recognize that person is probably not the best person for you to spend time with. Forgive them, yes. Let them continue to hurt you, no. You see, forgiving them does not mean that you think they have changed. Neither does it mean that it is now safe to trust them. Find new friends.
Regarding the old friends, if you find it hard to forgive them, there is a tip to keep in mind. Remember that Satan is our enemy. He tries to attack and influence everyone to do bad things. In that respect, we are all victims of the enemy. Realize that maybe the person who hurt you could use some prayers. You might want to ask God to help them. You might also consider offering your enemy food and drink if they need it.* It takes a big person to do something like that. That is what the Bible calls heaping "burning coals on his head" and may cause the enemy to repent (turn away from evil). However, if they simply refuse to turn to God, and seem determined to be wicked, don’t worry about justice. One way or another and sooner or later, God will ensure that justice is done (Jer 51:56, Deu 32:35).]
[Note: *Don’t do this if the person who hurt you is an adult. Instead, immediately tell your parents, a pastor, a school counselor or a trusted adult relative/friend. Don’t keep it a secret! Speak up and give those who love you a chance to help protect you and other children from any more harm!]
Rom 12:19-20

D36. Queen of Hearts
[ Remember the old nursery rhyme, "The Queen of Hearts, she made some tarts, all on a summer’s day . . . " Thinking of the good queen gives us an easy way to remember to hide God’s word in our heart. If we fill our heart with the word, it helps us know what to do and what not to do. Knowing God’s word also enables us to quote the Bible to fight back against temptation. Jesus even did that. When the devil kept tempting Him, Jesus kept saying, "It is written . . . " then quoted the Bible (Mat 4).
One of the reasons God gave us His word was to help protect us from harm. When we know what God’s rules for us are, we make better choices and lead safer, happier lives. Furthermore, when the way we go about our lives is pleasing to the Lord, He likes to open doors of opportunities to serve Him, too. So hide God’s word in your heart and live a safer, happier, more satisfying life!]
Deu 30:14
Ps 40:8
Mat 5:8

D37. Robinson Crusoe [in ragged clothes on beach with unlit signal fire prepared and S.O.S written in sand; show ship behind him in distance heading his way]
Lam 3:31 For men are not cast off by the Lord forever.
[ Daniel Defoe’s novel Robinson Crusoe was about a Christian sailor who was shipwrecked on a tropical island and rescued many years later.
Crusoe was a good man and hadn’t done anything wrong, but his aloneness on the island can remind us of something: sometimes it takes bad things to happen to us before we truly see things clearly. Then we finally learn that the Lord’s way of doing things is far better than the world’s way. For instance, sometimes people reject God’s Bible rules for living and sail off into stormy weather in the sinking Battleship of Sin. In so doing, they kind of "shipwreck their faith."
You see, sooner or later, sin hurts. When we start to feel the hurt, we may feel kind of like we have run aground on a faraway island with no one there to help us. At times like these, we are in a spiritual battle. The devil wants us to give up. But the Lord loves us deeply and wants to save us (Lam 3:32-33).
God can use these lonely, painful times to chasten us (discipline us, Ps 118:18). It may feel like He has rejected us, but that is not so. The Lord wants to encourage us to turn back to Him. He is always ready to welcome us back when we are ready to change. However, we can’t truly change unless we abandon that rotting Battleship of Sin we are clinging to and let God destroy it completely. If you reject the sin and ask Jesus to help you and forgive you, He is faithful. Be strong, be patient, have courage. Somehow He will find a way to rescue you (1 Cor 10:13). Our King will send you a lifeboat to carry you back to Him and to the HMS (His Majesty’s Ship) Victory (1 Cor 15:57)!]
1 Tim 1:18-19
Acts 27:22
2 Sam 14:14

D38. Robot
[ Do you like science fiction stories? Ones with robots? The typical android in such stories thinks on its own, right? However, real robots are typically programmed to do exactly what the creators or owners want them to do. Period.
But what about us? Unlike robots, God created us as living, thinking, feeling beings with "free will." That means we have the freedom to make our own choices, be they good or bad.
Now, keep in mind that God didn't have to create us. He could have kept all His power to himself. Instead, He chose to create His very own children to love and to bless…..real children, not robots who had no choice but to do His will (John 1:12). And God wants us to love Him back. He wants what is best for us. However, although the Lord is very powerful, He will not force us to love Him back or to obey Him. That would just be fake love and empty obedience. He shows us in the Bible the way we should go. The Lord hopes very much we will choose the right way, knowing it is for our own good (Deu 10:13). But He won’t force us.
And the Lord wants His beloved children to eventually come live with Him in heaven. Our joy there will far exceed even our happiest times on earth and accepting Jesus is the only way to get there (John 14:6, Acts 4:12). Did you know when people reject Jesus and therefore choose not to join the Lord in heaven, it breaks His heart? Still, God will not take that choice away from us. The Lord hopes very much we will choose Jesus and join Him in heaven, knowing we will be supremely happy there. But He won’t force us.
So, unlike programmed robots, God gave you a magnificent brain and the ability to decide for yourself. Will you CHOOSE to love the Lord who loves you? Will you CHOOSE to do what He says is best for you? And since heaven with the Lord will be far better than the best things we can even imagine (1 Cor 2:9), wouldn’t it make sense to CHOOSE to believe in Jesus--the only person who can get us there?]
John 1:12
John 14:15
Gal 5:13

D39. Romeo and Juliet [in the balcony scene]
Prov 22:1 A good name is more desirable than great riches; to be esteemed is better than silver or gold.
[ In William Shakespeare’s fictional Romeo and Juliet, having what their families consider a "bad" last name prevents a young couple from marrying openly. They end up marrying in secret and dying tragically.
This story helps remind us of the importance of having a good name and a good reputation. If you have a good name and a good reputation, people esteem you (have a high opinion of you). That helps you make friends, be influential, get good jobs and find a good spouse. Having a bad reputation makes it harder to do so (1 Tim 5:24-25). It also makes it harder for people to trust you for any reason at all.
To develop a good reputation, practice godliness. Be honest, kind, gentle, faithful, reliable and loving (1 Tim 6:11). Do good things. Avoid evil things. Avoid even the appearance of evil (1 Thes 5:22). Don’t associate with evil people; not only are they a bad influence, but onlookers assume you are like them (Prov 13:20).
It takes a lot of good actions to earn a good reputation. Unfortunately, it often takes only one bad action to get a bad reputation, even if your reputation was really great before that (Eccl 10:1). It’s hard to get rid of a bad reputation, so develop and protect a good one! Practice godliness! Earn a good name!]
Prov 3:3-4 Let love and faithfulness never leave you . . . Then you will win favor and a good name in the sight of God and man.

D40. Rub-a-Dub-Dubbers [butcher, baker, candlestick maker in wooden tub on stormy sea in semi-darkness, make sure no oars on tub; bright lighthouse on shore in background]
Eph 4:14 Then we will no longer be infants, tossed back and forth by the waves, and blown here and there by every wind of teaching and by the cunning and craftiness of men in their deceitful scheming.
[ "Rub-a-dub-dub, three men in a tub . . . the butcher, the baker, the candlestick maker, Turn ‘em out, knaves all three." Although they all have good jobs, the three guys in this rhyme just happen to be knaves (dishonest, deceitful people). And do you notice anything missing? They have no oars! How can they steer safely to shore without them?
Going through life without good guidance is kind of like going to sea with no way to steer. It makes us like defenseless "infants, tossed back and forth" on the sea! Then when deceitful knaves blow into town, we easily fall for the ungodly beliefs they try to teach us like: "make up your own rules;" "seize the moment, put yourself first, don’t worry about who you hurt;" "you’ve got a good excuse, do whatever you want" or "you can be like God." If we don’t have a good grasp of right and wrong, we are more likely to be led astray and to even lead others astray. We need something to steer with. We need the Bible!
Jesus appointed pastors and teachers to help us all learn the word (Eph 4:12-13). They teach us how through faith we can have the free gift of salvation Jesus offers us. They also teach us from the word how to be wise, strong, make right choices in life and how to serve god.
Don’t get lost at sea! Protect yourself from the knaves! Navigate away from those that want you to follow false beliefs or push you into doing things that don’t agree with God’s word. Use the Bible to help you steer onto a happier, safer course through life…….and use Jesus as your lighthouse beacon to show you the way (John 12:46)!]
2 Tim 3:13-15

D41. Sandman [traditional red & white striped calf-length nightgown and cap, but with bunny slippers; sand bucket and toy shovel in hand; surrounded by clouds]
Prov 3:24 when you lie down, you will not be afraid; when you lie down, your sleep will be sweet.
[ We can use the story of the Sandman to remind us that a good night’s sleep is a very pleasant thing indeed. You probably know that getting enough sleep is also important to your health. Doesn’t it feel wonderful to wake up feeling refreshed and ready to start a new day?
On the other hand, do you ever have a hard time going to sleep because you are afraid of something? Well, here’s some good news: as believers we each have guardian angels! God loves us and assigns those angels to us to help us and protect us. If you ever get afraid in the dark or have trouble sleeping, just remember your guardian angel is standing guard right there next to you, watching over you and helping to keep you safe.
The Lord wants you to sleep peacefully, so relax and trust in Him!]
Ps 4:8
Ps 127:2

D42. Shrinking Violet Girl [paint in purple and green outfit, smiling gently and standing shyly next to huge thimble, spool of thread, needle]
Col 3:12 Therefore, as God's chosen people, holy and dearly loved, clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience.
[ Shrinking violet is a term for someone who is very shy. There is nothing wrong with having a certain amount of shyness. In fact, some people believe God gave us shyness to help protect us and/or to help us to behave in a more modest way, such as about our bodies. So shyness can actually be a good thing!
However, if you are so very shy that it is even hard to make friends, you can try to change that. Do you know how you can help yourself learn to not be so shy? By focusing on other people! Try paying more attention to whether or not any other children seem shy or lonely. If you try to help them, you will focus less on yourself and your own feelings of shyness. That way you will feel stronger. Besides, if you look around to see what other children you can help, you may find another gentle person who is shy just like you--someone who appreciates your own gentleness and who would be perfect as a best friend!]
2 Cor 3:4
1 Cor 12:28
Mat 5:5

D43. Sleeping Beauty
Rom 13:11 . . . The hour has come for you to wake up from your slumber, because our salvation is nearer now than when we first believed.
[ What is it like to die? Death can be a scary thought and it is very sad for us when someone we care about dies, because we miss them so much. However, it may help to know that the most essential part of us never actually dies (John 11:25-26). It is just our body--the empty shell that we had walked around in on earth--that dies. If we are Christians, our soul immediately goes to heaven to be with Jesus!
Often the Bible refers to dying in terms of falling asleep (1 Cor 15:6, 20). So, you might let the Brothers Grimm story of Sleeping Beauty serve to remind you of what the real experiences of Christians will be like when we die.*
Remember how Sleeping Beauty falls asleep, is woken up by her fairytale prince, they get married and live happily ever after? When Christians die here on earth, it will be kind of like "waking up" in heaven. The church (meaning Christians) is referred to as "the bride" in the Bible. Our real prince, Jesus, the Prince of Peace, will give His bride a "rich welcome" into His kingdom (Acts 5:31, 2 Pet 1:11). He will give us perfect, good-looking, splendid new bodies that will never grow old, get sick, be sad, feel pain or die (Phlp 3:20-21).
Someday we will gather for the marriage supper of the Lamb and have a great feast with all our believing loved ones who "fell asleep" before we did. Many people believe we will even get to reunite with our favorite pets from earth. And guess what? As true believers, we really will live happily ever after!
[*Note: Many Bible experts think this generation of true Christians will not die, but will be "raptured"--taken to heaven with Jesus without their bodies ever having to die!] ]
2 Pet 1:11
1 Cor 15:40

D44. Snow White
Prov 28:10 He who leads the upright along an evil path will fall into his own trap, but the blameless will receive a good inheritance.
[ The Brothers Grimm story of Snow White is about a sweet, beautiful young lady who is kind to everyone. However, the vain, hateful queen is jealous of her and tries to kill her. Things get kind of bad for a while, but in the end the wicked queen ends up dead instead. A wonderful prince saves Snow White and takes her off to his kingdom to be his bride. So basically, Snow White had to deal with a bit of trouble on the way to her place in the prince’s kingdom!
In a way, life is kind of like that for real people, too. Although everybody has a sinful nature (Rom 3:10, 23), those who ask Jesus to forgive their sins and who accept Him as their Savior will be washed "whiter than snow" (made blameless -- Ps 51:7, Is 1:18). Then we are worthy to gain our heavenly inheritance. Things will still get kind of bad here on earth from time to time, because Jesus hasn’t kicked Satan out of the realm yet (1 Pet 1:6-7). The Lord is our Prince. He is patiently waiting for more people to accept Jesus (2 Pet 3:9), but will soon come in the Rapture to take his bride (true believers) to His heavenly kingdom.
In the meantime, vain, hateful Satan tries to "steal and kill and destroy" us--anything to stop us from accepting the Lord’s free gift of eternal life (John 10:10). Satan sets countless traps for us, tries to scare us, trick us, poison us, discourage us or drag us down to hell where we would be miserable forever.
However, Jesus is stronger than Satan. Jesus gives us the armor of the Lord, His word and His presence to help us fight back (Mat 28:20). He wants to come get His beloved believers and bring us to His kingdom. So stick close to Jesus--our Prince is coming soon!]
John 16:33
2 Cor 4:17
Mat 25:34

D45. The Spider and the Fly [evil-looking spider standing next to sweet-looking fly; both in front of an open door looking inside of spider’s lair; include some spider webs]
Prov 29:5 Whoever flatters his neighbor is spreading a net for his feet.
[ In the story of The Spider and the Fly by Mary Howitt, a smooth-talking spider is trying to lure a fly into his parlor so he can feast on the fly. The fly doesn’t go in right away because she knows it could be dangerous. Nevertheless, she stands there and talks with the spider for a while. BIG mistake! What she did was give him a chance to flatter her (compliment her, say sweet, crafty things to her). So, he broke down her resistance, convinced her it really wasn’t dangerous after all and talked her into coming inside anyway. And that was the end of the fly!
In the real world, many bad people are like that spider. They know just what to say to entice people into doing what they want them to do, even if it’s dangerous or wicked. Often these cunning people are also very skilled at making themselves seem safe, honest, likeable and trustworthy. These traits make for a treacherous combination.
What if we meet someone like that? Regrettably, there may be times when even if we know someone or something is unsafe or sinful, we may be tempted to stick around and keep listening. We may even think we are strong enough to resist the situation. However, the longer we stick around, the more time it gives us to weaken, to become curious or to convince ourselves something is not so bad after all (James 1:14-15).
Unfortunately, sticking around also gives bad people more of a chance to learn how to "push our buttons." In other words, the more they get to know about us, the more they can figure out what our weaknesses and motivations are. Then they can more easily figure out how to manipulate us, deceive us and ultimately harm us.
We need to be smarter than that fly was. We need to stay far away from people who want us to do wrong or risky things. Don’t listen to their lies. Those people are serving their own interests and do not care about our well-being. "Avoid every kind of evil" (1 Th 5:22). At the first sign of danger, RUN (Prov 22:3)! Don’t get stuck to some sly person’s sticky web of deceit!
[Note: What types of dangerous situations do you think you might someday be exposed to? Ask your parents to practice role-playing with you about the best things to do and say to keep yourself safe.]]
Rom 16:18
Prov 26:28

D46. The Steadfast Tin Soldier [soldier has one leg bent up behind him; ballerina is on a stand and has one leg extended behind her, almost hidden by tutu]
Ps 51:10 Create in me a pure heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me.
[ Hans Christian Andersen’s tale of The Steadfast Tin Soldier is about a toy tin soldier who was made with only one leg. Still, he stood strong and steadfast (firm). He was accidentally knocked out of a window and away from the ballerina he loved. After a long, scary journey, he ended up in a river where he was swallowed by a fish. The fish was caught and sold at market to the cook, who brought him back--still inside the fish--to the very same home he fell out of!
Throughout his journey, the soldier had remained strong and steadfast. Happily, he was put back with his ballerina. The ending to the original story is sad--they are both burned up in the fireplace with only his heart and her tinsel rose remaining. However, in some newer versions, the story ends up with them getting married and living "happily ever after" instead.
In real life, most everybody on this earth suffers at least a little. However, God can give Christians the strength to help us be steadfast, even if things get really tough for a while. If we display a pure heart and steadfast faith, our example may even help save others. If they become Christians, too, we will have helped to "snatch others from the fire." Then we can meet with all our believing loved ones again......and in heaven we truly will live happily ever after!
[Note: Do you know someone who has lost an arm or a leg or some other part of their body? Or maybe someone who can’t move part of their body? In heaven we will all have new, strong, healthy, complete and perfect bodies that never get sick, feel pain or die. Hooray! ] ]
Is 26:3
1 Pet 5:10
Jude 1:22-23

D47. Sugar Plum Fairy
1 Cor 6:12 "Everything is permissible for me"--but not everything is beneficial. "Everything is permissible for me"--but I will not be mastered by anything.
[ The Sugar Plum Fairy ballerina dances to Tchaikovsky’s beautiful score in The Nutcracker, based on E. T. A. Hoffman’s The Nutcracker and the Mouse King. The story takes place in the nutcracker prince’s wonderful kingdom where people are named after yummy things to eat and drink in the Land of Sweets. The Sugar Plum Fairy can help us remember a lesson about sweets.
You see, sugarplums are candies. Most everybody likes sweets, but too much of them are bad for you. Some 200 years ago, Americans ate an average of only 10 pounds of sugar per year. Now we average a whopping 170 pounds per year!1
Sugar is hidden in many foods (example: ketchup). However, there is often more sugar than we would expect even in foods and drinks that we know include sugar. For instance, a typical 12-ounce can of soda contains about 10 teaspoons of sugar! Four grams of sugar equals about one teaspoon, so you might want to check labels for sugar content before you decide what to eat and drink. By the way, artificial sweeteners have been connected with health problems, too.2
Many health-conscious people choose more whole-grain products, drink lots of water, sweeten their foods with raw honey or stevia, and choose fresh fruits and vegetables for snacks instead of sweets. Remember, although many things we eat and drink are permissible, "not everything is beneficial."]
(1) Here is a quick math problem for you. Four grams of sugar equals about 1 teaspoon. If a 20-ounce can of soda has 68 grams of sugar, how many teaspoons of sugar are in the soda? Answer: 68 grams divided by 4 grams per teaspoon=17 teaspoons of sugar! Try measuring out 17 teaspoons of sugar into a clear, empty glass, just to see how much that is. Ewwww!
(2) Mom and Dad: Want to learn more about healthy eating? Check out Christian doctors Ted Broer, Don Colbert or Jordan Rubin. They have each written several books on the subject.]
1 Cor 10:23

1 Jordan S. Rubin, The Maker's Diet (Lake Mary, FL: Siloam, 2004, 2005) 136
2 Ted Broer, Maximum Energy (Lake Mary, FL: Siloam Press, 1999) 243-270.

D48. Tempest in a Teapot [angry-looking teapot (include red facial areas like cartoon drawings of angry people); draw steam exploding out of spout]
Prov 29:11 A fool gives full vent to his anger, but a wise man keeps himself under control.
[ A tempest is a violent storm. A person who is acting like a tempest in a teapot is making a big deal out of a small matter. Have you ever seen the steam come rushing out of a teapot spout? It can come out rather forcefully. It reminds us of hotheaded people with stormy tempers who "spout off." People who spout off may let angry words come rushing forcefully out of their mouths without thinking (Prov 15:28, Prov 29:20). Angry, short-tempered people tend to stir up trouble and commit many sins (Prov 29:22).
Whenever we feel anger coming on, we should run to the shelter of the Lord. Focusing on the Lord can help us keep ourselves under control. For instance, some people find that singing praise songs or reading their Bible helps them calm down. We should seek the righteous life the Lord desires for us and be quick to listen, but slow to anger (James l:19-20). We should also pray and ask God to help us try to solve angry discussions before we go to bed (Eph 4:26). That way those problems don’t become like storms "brewing" inside of us overnight.
Ask Jesus to help you get rid of all bitterness, anger and argumentativeness (Eph 4:31). Otherwise, we may continually get in fights, say things we later regret and often even scare people away from us. Ask Jesus to help you learn to: practice self-control, be patient with others, be understanding, avoid hot-tempered people and overlook the little things that make foolish people angry.]
Ps 55:8
Prov 14:16
Prov 22:24

D49. Three Blind Mice [3 mice in line following each other; with sunglasses and canes; each has hand on shoulder of next]
Mat 15:14 "Leave them; they are blind guides. If a blind man leads a blind man, both will fall into a pit."
[ You have probably heard the nursery rhyme about the three blind mice. That rhyme can remind us what Jesus said about the blind leading the blind. Did you know that there are people who can see with their eyes, but, in a way, not with their soul? Those people are "spiritually blind." Satan has blinded their minds and they do not believe in Jesus or the Bible. They tend to have a very different outlook on life and will often try to guide others into their same ungodly lifestyle. It can be very dangerous to follow them, to do some of the things they do or to believe some of the things they believe.
Their unbiblical approach to life also brings up another problem. Many traditions are good, like wholesome family holiday traditions or our American patriotic celebrations. However, not all traditions are good. Sometimes people do things just because supposedly: "everybody does it" or "that’s the way it’s always been done" or "we had to do it, so they have to, too." Wrong.
Does somebody want you to participate in a tradition that is stupid, illogical, cruel or dangerous? Don’t do it! Be smarter than them!
If there is any doubt about whether something is okay to do, check it out in the Bible--it’s our guide for life (1 Thes 5:21-22). Don’t know where to look? Many Bibles have a concordance (where verses are listed by key words) or a subject index (where verses are listed by subject).*
Don’t blindly follow ungodly people down the wrong road. Keep your eyes open and walk with Jesus instead!]
[*Note: Want a very quick way to search for Bible verses? You can buy Bible software or handheld Bible search devices. You can also use one of the many online Bible search sites available, such as]
2 Cor 4:4
Ezek 12:2

D50. The Time Machine
Ps 37:37 . . . there is a future for the man of peace.
[ In H. G. Wells’ The Time Machine, a man invented a time machine and traveled way into the future. He stopped in a horrible period when mankind had become very uneducated. The Eloi, as the above-ground humans were then called, had also become as helpless as small children. Bad creatures attacked them often. After a brief return to his own time, the scientist went back to the future to help the Eloi.
If time machines were real, countless people would gladly hop in one and go back in time. They would change some of the bad things they had done that brought them or someone else pain. Of course, time machines aren’t real and we can’t change history. Even though God offers us forgiveness for our sins, we still have to live with the pain, loss, regret and consequences (results) of our sins. Innocence and a clear conscience are far better than regret. That being the case, try very hard to always make right choices that you will still be happy with even several years down the road. Learn what choices are the best ones and ask the Lord to help you make them (Ps 37:5, 51:10).
However, everybody sins. If you do stumble and make some poor decisions, confess and make up your mind to do better (1 John 2:1). Go back to your Bible studies. Don’t be like the helpless Eloi. Get educated. Don’t let yourself be destroyed by lack of knowledge (Hos 4:6, John 10:10). It is said that God gives His children pain to protect us--to help us realize we should stop doing what we are doing so we don’t cause ourselves even more pain. So, learn from history--don’t make the same bad choice twice. Pick yourself up, dust yourself off and try again.
Remember, you can’t change your past, but you can change your future.....and you don’t need a time machine to do it!
Ps 31:15-16
Jer 29:11

D51. Twinkle, Twinkle Star [star costume, hands raised in praise, stars painted in background]
[ Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star, the popular nursery rhyme, is from The Star by Jane Taylor. This rhyme can help remind us to praise God and thank Him for His many blessings every day. Although we should praise God in both happy and sad times, it is often easier to remember to praise God when we are happy.
One of the ways we can be happier is to have a good attitude (Phlp 2:5). For instance, when we cooperate with others (do what we have to do with a smile and a willing heart), we tend to be a lot happier than we would be if we grumbled about everything.
Further, when we have a cooperative attitude, we are much nicer to be around. People are also more likely to be friendly toward us. Parents, teachers and authorities are happier with us when they know they can rely on us to do what is right and what needs to be done without trouble (2 Cor 7:4).
People who are trying to accomplish good things are more likely to want us on their team if they know we are team players (those who work well with others).
Generally, the happier others are around us, the more it multiplies our happiness. Then we find it even easier to be thankful and praise God for His many blessings on us. So, put on a happy smile and shine "like a diamond in the sky" for the Lord!
[Note: Remember, however, that you do not need to cooperate with others when they want you to do bad things. That’s when you put your foot down and just say, "No!"]]
Eph 4:23
Phlp 2:14-15
Ps 103:2

[Note: P.S. Want to shine like the stars forever? There is another verse that goes well with this costume:
Dan 12:3

D52. Zeus [draw like the statue at Olympia, sitting on throne]
Ex 20:3 "You shall have no other gods before me."
[ This costume depicts a huge statue of Zeus that was built at Olympia in ancient Greece. It was one of the seven wonders of the ancient world and was 40 feet tall. Zeus was one of many false gods that people have worshipped over the centuries. In this world, many people will try to influence you to worship false gods and false religions. False gods are actually demons in disguise and false religions are inspired by demons. Worshipping false gods or idols (images or created statues of people or things) is called idolatry.
God hates idolatry. In fact, both the first and second commandments are about idolatry: "I am the LORD your God, who brought you out of Egypt, out of the land of slavery. You shall have no other gods before me. You shall not make for yourself an idol in the form of anything in heaven above or on the earth beneath or in the waters below. You shall not bow down to them or worship them . . . " (Ex 20:2-6). Not only that, when God lists things in the Bible, often the first thing mentioned in a section is the most important.
Don’t foolishly cling to worthless idols. Get rid of them (Josh 24:23, Deu 7:25-26)! Stay away from false religions. Accept Jesus instead! The Lord is the only true God. Accepting Jesus is the only way to be saved and go to heaven (John 14:6, Acts 4:12). Stay true to the Lord for a better life on earth and a wonderful eternity with Him in heaven!]
Rom 1:22-23
Jonah 2:8
Rom 1:25
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